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Protect the Last Noble Pen Shells in the Mediterranean

1,006 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

3.35% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

The noble pen shells, crucial to Mediterranean ecosystems, are facing extinction—help save this endangered species from disappearing forever.

The noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis) is disappearing. Once a giant of the Mediterranean, this critically endangered species is now teetering on the brink of extinction. A deadly parasite, Haplosporidium pinnae, is wiping out populations across the Mediterranean Sea at an alarming rate. Since 2016, this pathogen has devastated pen shells, causing up to 99% mortality in affected areas1. The species now faces a fight for survival against overwhelming odds.

The Noble Pen Shell’s Ecological and Cultural Significance

The noble pen shell is not just another mollusk. It plays a crucial role in the Mediterranean ecosystem. These giants of the sea filter vast amounts of water, purifying it and maintaining the balance of marine life2. Their loss threatens to unravel the delicate web of life in the Mediterranean, leading to a cascade of negative impacts on other species and habitats.

But it’s not just about biodiversity. The noble pen shell has deep cultural significance, cherished by Mediterranean civilizations for centuries. The ancient Greeks and Romans valued the pen shell for its byssal threads, spun into luxurious sea silk3. Today, this majestic species is a symbol of the Mediterranean’s rich natural heritage. Yet, it is vanishing before our eyes.

Urgent Action is Needed

Urgent action is needed to save the noble pen shell. Conservationists across the Mediterranean are working tirelessly to protect the remaining populations. Efforts include deploying larvae collectors, nurturing juveniles in aquariums, and relocating adult specimens to safer environments4. However, these efforts alone are not enough. The threat is too great, and time is running out.

How You Can Help

The European Union must step up. The Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) has the power to enact stronger protections for the noble pen shell. By enhancing legal safeguards, increasing funding for conservation, and fostering regional cooperation, the EU can help ensure this species’ survival. But without immediate action, the noble pen shell may soon be lost forever.

You can help. The future of the noble pen shell depends on public support and awareness. By signing our petition, you can urge the Directorate-General for Environment to take the necessary steps to protect this iconic species. Your voice can make a difference in the fight to save the noble pen shell.

Act Now to Save the Noble Pen Shell

This is a critical moment. The noble pen shell is a keystone species, essential to the health of Mediterranean waters. Its extinction would be a tragic loss, not only for the environment but for the cultural heritage of the region.

We cannot let that happen. Act now to protect the noble pen shell before it’s too late.

Sign the petition and join the fight to save a species on the brink.

More on this issue:

  1. Lauren Simmonds, Total Croatia News (11 May 2023), "Only 20 Croatian Noble Pen Shells Left Alive in Adriatic Sea."
  2. Vedrana Simičević, BBC Future (15 August 2024), "Noble Pen Shells: The Effort to Save These Suddenly Endangered Giant Clams."
  3. International Union for Conservation of Nature (2019), "The Noble Pen Shell (Pinna nobilis) Now Critically Endangered."
  4. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (9 March 2021), "Mediterranean Noble Pen Shell Crisis (Pinna nobilis) - January 2021 Update."
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The Petition:

To the Directorate-General for Environment, European Union,

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the critical status of the noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis), an iconic and ecologically significant species that is rapidly disappearing from the Mediterranean Sea. Once a symbol of the region’s rich marine biodiversity, the noble pen shell has suffered devastating declines due to the spread of a lethal parasite, Haplosporidium pinnae, and the exacerbating effects of climate change. With mortality rates reaching up to 99% in some areas, immediate and decisive action is imperative to prevent the extinction of this species.

The noble pen shell plays a crucial role in the health of Mediterranean marine ecosystems. As one of the largest bivalve mollusks, it filters large volumes of water, contributing to water clarity and supporting a diverse range of marine life. The loss of this species would have cascading effects on the entire marine environment, further endangering other species and diminishing the natural heritage of the Mediterranean.

Given the European Union’s commitment to biodiversity and environmental protection, we respectfully urge the Directorate-General for Environment to take the following actions:

  1. Enhance Legal Protections: Strengthen the protection of Pinna nobilis under the European Habitats Directive by enforcing stricter regulations on activities that threaten its habitats, such as illegal fishing, boat anchoring, and coastal development.
  2. Increase Funding for Conservation: Allocate additional resources to support ongoing conservation projects aimed at protecting the remaining populations of noble pen shells. This includes funding for research on the Haplosporidium parasite, habitat restoration, and ex-situ conservation programs.
  3. Promote Regional Cooperation: Facilitate collaboration among Mediterranean countries to establish a comprehensive regional monitoring program. This program should include regular assessments of pen shell populations, coordinated efforts to prevent the spread of the parasite, and the sharing of data and best practices.
  4. Support Habitat Protection and Restoration: Prioritize the protection of marine protected areas (MPAs) where Pinna nobilis populations still survive and support the restoration of degraded habitats. Special attention should be given to enclosed bays and lagoons that have shown resistance to the parasite.
  5. Raise Public Awareness: Launch an EU-wide campaign to raise awareness about the plight of the noble pen shell and the importance of preserving Mediterranean marine biodiversity. Public support and participation are crucial in the success of conservation efforts.

The noble pen shell’s rapid decline is a stark warning of the broader environmental challenges facing the Mediterranean Sea. By taking immediate action, the European Union can lead the way in preserving this critical species and safeguarding the health of the Mediterranean’s marine ecosystems for future generations.

We urge the Directorate-General for Environment to act now, before it is too late. The time to save the noble pen shell is running out, and your leadership is essential in ensuring its survival.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


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